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Managed Active Directory - Adding a New Child Domain

Updated by Jared Ruckle on Oct 26, 2021
Article Code: kb/951

As your Active Directory environment grows, you may need add new "child" domains.

NOTE: Before you can deploy a new child domain, you must have Managed Active Directory and Managed Windows server in place. Also, please ensure that two or more Domain Controllers have been built in your deployment, as this is a necessary component for servers to be added into your Domain. If this is not possible, all server builds will be added into the shared Active Directory Domain.

1. Log on to the Control Portal. Using the left side navigation bar, select Orchestration > Blueprints Library. Search for Active Directory. Click the CLC Managed Active Directory – New Child Blueprint. Click the DEPLOY BLUEPRINT button.

2. Fill out the appropriate details.

3. Click Next, and then verify that the information is correct.

4. Once verified, please click the DEPLOY BLUEPRINT button. You will be presented with the deployment details along with an email stating that the Blueprint has been queued.