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Getting Started with bpformation - Blueprint

Updated by @KeithResar on Jun 23, 2015
Article Code: kb/802


After reading this article, the reader should feel comfortable deploying a bpformation client and using it to orchestrate Lumen Cloud.


bpformation is used to help you gain access to a command line interface CLI that interacts with the Lumen Cloud Blueprints packaging and workflow services. Query, change, add, and execute Lumen Cloud automation using a cross-platform CLI and definitions defined in common JSON files.


Lumen Cloud Users


  1. Locate the Blueprint in the Blueprint Library.

    • Login to the Control Portal. From the Nav Menu on the left, click Orchestration > Blueprints Library.
    • Search for “bpformation” in the keyword search on the right side of the page.
  2. Click the deploy blueprint button.

  3. Review and Confirm the Blueprint.

  4. Deploy the Blueprint.

    • Once verified, click the deploy blueprint button. You will see the deployment details stating the Blueprint is queued for execution.
    • This will kick off the Blueprint deploy process and load a page where you can track the deployment progress. Deployment will typically complete within 15 to 20 minutes.

About Community Releases on Lumen Cloud

Lumen Cloud publishes a variety of packaged and certified community releases of OSS or otherwise generally available software solutions. These certifications are limited to successful deployment of assets on cloud servers and do not extend onto ongoing software configuration, guarantees, or support.

Have a suggestion for other software to include within the Lumen Cloud Blueprints Library? Email

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